The Greatest Showman

How much is enough? Even when you have all you have ever imagined, you may feel like you need more. And you will probably never have enough to make that feeling disappear.  Don’t count on the thing you think you have to have, to make you happy. It’s time to see yourself as God sees…

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Eddie the Eagle

Do you have a Dream? What do you want to do, and who do you want to be? Achieving your dreams doesn’t always look like you think. Greatness is never easy. And we all need the help of others to reach our true goals. Don’t give up on your dreams, and live your life for the glory…

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McFarland USA

COMING SOON! Looking for a way out of your current situation? Don’t miss the point of why you’re there in the first place. Give all that you have to your current situation and see what blessings come as a result. Refresh others, and you will be refreshed.

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O Brother, Where Art Thou?

COMING SOON! Do you think you control your own destiny? Trying to control your life is futile. Because the future is not in your control. The Lord directs our steps. God is working all things for good, even when you’re in a tight spot. It turns out, life might be way bigger than you think.

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